If anyone knows me, they know I LOVE fall(football, hunting, chilly weather) and I LOVE Halloween!!! I usually have my annual Adult Pumpkin Carvin Party but I think this year I'm opting instead to just carve pumpkins on my own, my goal is one a week and I'm on week two:) hehe
It is just fun for me! I remember carving a pumpkin as a kid. Mom would send my brothers and myself outside to the porch with dad. We would have our pumpkins, knives(yes kids with knives!!) and markers to make the face! Yes we were supervised, for the most part, I still have all fingers and toes, so I must've been ok with the ole knife. We would do the typical triangle eyes, nose and the smiling mouth, pretty basic.
Now that I'm "all grown up", I've gotten more detailed with my carvin and I've moved to the "kits". I think they are the best! They have the great tools, awesome designs and they even tell you how to carve the design in the easiest way possible.
So I grab a beer or glass of wine, remember the "all grown up" part?? And turn on a football or baseball game and get after it! And of course my trusty steed, Miller, is right beside me just beggin for a piece of pumpkin and I usually give in:)
When I'm not carving, I'm riding my bike(s). The cross bike is all together and I've been on it a couple of times. I got a bit big for my britches today though, I haven't had any training yet and I decided I would just teach myself how to dismount. I was actually doing ok the first couple of easy tries, I would dismount "ok" but WAY too early. So, of course, on my last try I overcooked it and bit it hard on the ground. There were a bunch of sticks and the ground was so hard and I went down in a heap, it hurt, but I got up, mad at myself for not being more patient and waiting for proper training before giving it a go and decided ride back to the truck and call it a day.
Just bruises and scrapes, which makes shaving and the massage I'm getting tomorrow interesting but I'm sure I will get a ride in. Gotta get back on and try, try, try again:)
P.S. The first picture is my cross kit and swag.....Rudy Helmet and glasses. I got the Rydon II glasses and LOVE them, I recommend them:) They sit perfectly on your nose and has plenty of lens to look through and it sits comfortably behind the ears.